Sample Social Media Messaging

Twitter Messages


“Universal healthcare and a fair economy are possible. My opponent is doing everything they can to divide us - attacking women, blaming immigrants - because their ideas have been terrible for our families. Think we can't beat them? We've done it throughout American history.”

“We can have a country where men and women are both treated with basic respect, but the entitled and powerful need us divided while they shovel ever more money to the rich. We've fought against unfit nominees like Brett Kavanaugh [or: other issue] before. We may win this one and may not, but the fight will go on.”

“We all want to live in communities that are safe. And we know how to build them – by looking out for our neighbors and having law enforcement focus on preventing and investigating real crimes, not track and harass people based on their race.”

“I needed paid family leave to care for my baby. I think all Minnesotans deserve the same, no matter what community they come from. I’m a #carevoter and I’m #greaterthanfear – not going to let [Candidate X] divide Minnesotans from each other.”

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Basic - Single Image

“Whether we're white, black, or brown, tenth generation or newcomer, most of us want pretty similar things. My opponent wants to divide us from each other based on what we look like or where we come from so we'll look the other way while he hands out kickbacks to his donors, hands social security over to Wall Street, undermines health care, and defunds our schools. I'm running to change all this!”

Immigration - Single Image

“Like people have for centuries, immigrant Americans move here for the promise of freedom and opportunity in this country. Unlike my opponent who is trying to divide us by attacking immigrants, I support creating a fair process that respects all families and allows people to earn citizenship by demonstrating their commitment to our country, mastering our language (and sharing theirs), and pledging allegiance to our laws. We can come together across our differences and build both safe communities and a safe and fair immigration system.”

Nice Things - Carousel

“The world may seem bleak at the moment, but people in our district are coming together - black, white, and brown - forging new alliances to build a better future. We've been through tough times before. We can do it.”